Dance to impress and clean your ballet technique in six simple steps

This online program is based on modules with videos, verbal explanations and routine exercises with free access to ballet classes.

For 10 year old kids and up. Designed for dances to work on their on for about 30 min daily for 6 weeks.

MODULE 1 - Find your inner dancer and get on your axis: balance and focus.

MODULE 2- Feel your feet and grow a foot: Ankles plus toes and pull up!

MODULE 3 - DoubleX your pirouettes: Coordination, spot and momentum.

MODULE 4 - Unlock the power of your hips: Turn out and glute strength.

MODULE 5 - Bent like a boss: Flexibility of the hamstrings, quads and inner thighs.

MODULE 6 - Nurture yourself and become an artist: my nutrition tips and stage advise!

You can learn new skills, but it is in the details where success can be achieved.

Maylu Pena