Ballet is a sport, an art and a lifestyle.

Ballet and dance in general are physical activities that involve the development of certain kinds of skills – agility, flexibility and strength amount others. And on the other hand it requires focus, commitment, emotions and courage. This is why I see ballet as the sport of the soul!

Dancers have a very integral education and if they decide not to dance anymore, they can probably do anything from engineering to science to history to business. Because once you know what it feels to be yourself and work hard for what you want, there are no steps back, besides following your dreams.

Set to succeed.

Besides all a dancer learns in ballet and dance classes, the dancer needs to take extra time at home practicing, memorizing and understanding the corrections to be able to try again the next day. With this said, dancers are well trained to succeed at school and indeed at any job that requires intellectual prowess as well as smart and hard work. 

Dancers know that to be able to step on the stage in front of a crowd, they need to put in the hours working and practicing. So when the curtain finally opens, they are free to dance and free to be their own selves by knowing that they have the skills to do anything they want. 

Continue learning.

Ballet is practiced in order to transmit feelings to an audience, but it requires sportive skills that make it as beautiful and touching as it is. This is why I have enriched my desire to always continue my studies in ballet. 

It is amazing to see mindful and effective changes in the lives of people whether they will be ballet dancers or our own audience. 

Whether it is ballet, theater, music, finances, journalism, etc, I encourage you to find your own reasons for why you want to wake up the next day and do it again. Let me tell you that there is nothing more rewarding than putting all your time and energy to something that makes you feel free, authentic and courageous every day of your life.
